Premiere FOrWARD Program
F Or W A R D
Welcome to our premier educational F.OR.W.A.R.D. (Film, ORchestration, Writing, Art, Recording and Drama) program that helps students (youth through adult) bridge curriculum with creative arts, a proven formula of success for creative thinkers.
Since inception, the F.Or.W.A.R.D. students, under the careful guidance and leadership of Ms. Terry Ballard (former principal and founder of the F.Or.W.A.R.D. School of Creative Writing a NYC public school in NYC), co-founding member, Kenneth Crutchfield and others have hosted cafés with student and professional performances, written and produced 13 episodes of the original sitcom The Skillet Show (shown on BronxNet and Manhattan Cable); written numerous plays, 23 students are published poets; published four comic books; student website projects through ThinkQuest, engineered and recorded one CD with 18 songs using the industry standard program Protools, filmed two music videos and one documentary, all of which are curriculum and standards based.
As former educators as well as practicing professional artists using the F.Or.W.A.R.D. program, we found that regardless of academic level when the students entered the program, learning had taken place and the NYS Progress report showed that student scores who participated in the F.Or.W.A.R.D. program had been raised in ELA: 59%, of students making at least one year of Progress; and in Math: 41% of students making at least one year of progress. T-TYME Tomahawk knows that when students are actively engaged and are learning according to their own style and interest, improvements can and will be made. The students who engage in our F.Or.W.A.R.D. program are interested in creative writing and put forth more effort because they enjoy seeing the results of their work go from “page to practice”.